Lianne Hoogeveen
Director of the Radboud Center for the Study of Giftedness
Yeah, I know the type. Implicit theories in gifted education
‘So, you’re gifted?!’ How would you respond if you were to be addressed in this manner? Would you feel proud or shy? This will probably depend on your perception of the implicit message in the question. Research shows us that implicit theories can contain dysfunctional beliefs about one’s behaviour and potential. These beliefs can influence the self-regulated learning of a learner; they influence the sense of self-efficacy, motivation and the testing of new strategies. Lianne Hoogeveen will discuss research (i.e. research she is currently conducting in cooperation with others) on the effects of self-theories in relation to giftedness.
More Info
Dr. Lianne Hoogeveen is a developmental psychologist and director of the Radboud Center for the Study of Giftedness of the Radboud University, board member of the Internationales Centrum für Begabungsforschung and member of the Executive Committee of the European Council for High Ability. She teaches at Radboud University and is a guest lecturer at other universities, in and outside of the Netherlands. She is involved in continuing academic education for psychologists and teachers, and in individual counseling of gifted children. She conducts research on giftedness and education, and wrote a PhD-thesis on academic acceleration. In her research she cooperates with colleagues of universities.
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