Hannah Bijlsma
Educational researcher and teacher
Teachers getting student feedback to improve lesson quality
Research shows that feedback can be a strong performance-enhancing mechanism. In education, however, teachers receive very little feedback on the core of their work: the lessons they give. One of the reasons is that it is usually labor-intensive and expensive to provide such feedback (for example, based on lesson observations).
An efficient way for teachers to receive feedback on the quality of their lessons is to work with student perceptions of lesson quality. Current technological applications can provide teachers with feedback in a relatively simple and quick way. That is why the Impact! tool was created. This app allows students to give feedback to their teacher at the end of a lesson.
The University of Twente has researched the effects of student feedback on teachers’ insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their lessons, their actions in response to the feedback and the quality of the lesson. The first results of the research will be presented during the workshop. Participants can use the Impact! tool to experience its ease of use.
More Info
Hannah graduated in 2014 from the Groningen University, after which she completed her Masters in Education and a Research Master (Education & Development). She works as a researcher (PhD) at the University of Twente and conducts research into the use of student feedback for teachers to improve the quality of teaching. Furthermore she teaches year 7 and 8 in primary school.
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