Jan Tishauser
Programma manager researchED Nederland, Educational consultant
Learning or Performance?
School is the place where we send our children to learn but the only means we have to establish whether learning has taken place are tests and assessments. We might overlook the fact that a test measures performance at a given moment; it doesn’t necessarily indicate that learning has happened. Our reliance on test results can bring about a situation wherein students, parents and schools are overly focused on performance. This can actually harm learning. Jan Tishauser discusses this problem and suggests how we might resolve it.
Meer info
Jan Tishauser is a former teacher, in 1998 he developed the first 360º feedback tool for teachers which enabled him to set out questionnaires for 15000+ teachers (and counting) in order to support them in their professional development. Jan has been vocal about evidence-informed education for more than a decade and brought researchED to Amsterdam for the first time in 2016. He does the programming for researchED Amsterdam.
slides 2018
Tishauser Presentatie Nuthall REDAdam18 (3.3 MiB)
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Amsterdam 2018
Graham Nuthall: The Hidden Lives of Learners
The work of Graham Nuthall, a educational researcher from New Zealand, is little known beyond an inner circle of educational researchers. Not a single researcher has ever observed the classroom experience of learners so closely over a period of forty years. As a true scientist Nuthall was rigorous in his methods and was only satisfied when he could replicate his results. In this session Jan Tishauser will discuss his research, the outcomes and the practical implications for the classroom.
#resEDAdam Jan Tishauser riveting recounting the fascinating research life of Graham Nuttall pic.twitter.com/hGo5bVarA9
— oliver caviglioli (@olivercavigliol) 20 januari 2018