Dr. Monique van der Heijden

Kempel University in Helmond


Teachers as change agents make the difference!

Teachers are key figures in realising successful changes in education. Teachers are increasingly being asked to use their ‘professional agency’ in their work and to function as ‘change agents’. Professional agency is a central part of the professionalism of (future) teachers, but the extent to which teachers use their agency varies per person. Real ‘change agents’ use their agency to change education, both at class and school level. They also use their professional agency to promote their professional development. Teachers as change agents are teachers who make a difference in educational practice at both class and school level. But which teachers make the difference? What characterises them? During this workshop the main results and conclusions of my doctoral research will be presented and the participants will discuss the meaning of this for education (in the broadest sense of the word). In particular, the question is asked: how can we make the acquired scientific knowledge transferable to educational and educational practice? In other words, how can we prepare future teachers during their training to become change agents and encourage current teachers in schools to become or remain change agents?

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Van der Heijden works as teacher-researcher at Kempel University in Helmond. She has broad experience in different aspects of education, including 20 years of experience in training and supervising (future) teachers. She is Academic Director of the Master in Learning and Innovation (Helmond Location) and (co-) author of several scientific and professional publications. In 2012, she won the NWO PhD Scholarship. In June 2017, Van der Heijden obtained her doctorate at the TU Eindhoven. Her PhD research discusses the identification of teachers as change agents in primary education.


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Amsterdam 2017

Het identificeren van leraren als change agents in de praktijk

Leraren zijn sleutelfiguren in het realiseren van succesvolle veranderingen in onderwijs en bepalend voor de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Elke school heeft leraren nodig die zich opstellen en gedragen als ‘change agents’. Maar wat kenmerkt deze leraren? In hoeverre zien leraren zichzelf als change agent? Hoe functioneren ze in de praktijk? Wat werkt bevorderend en/of belemmerend voor hun functioneren? Deze vragen staan centraal in het promotieonderzoek ‘Leraren als change agents’. Tijdens deze workshop worden de resultaten en conclusies van het promotieonderzoek gepresenteerd en gaan de deelnemers met elkaar in gesprek over de betekenis hiervan voor het onderwijs (in de breedste zin van het woord).