Oliver Caviglioli

Independent visualiser of educational ideas and processes, working from home near London


Memory and Meaning

Starting with Baddeley’s memory model that integrates Ebbinghaus’ habits for retrieval with Barlett’s linking of memory to schema, the focus moves to the impact of organising information. Reif’s hierarchy of knowledge structures is examined and then linked to the hierarchies within which individual words can be identified — and the role that has in encoding and retrieval.

Stories and activities embellish the concepts.

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Oliver is a former special school headteacher, and son of an architect. He has put these two influences together in promoting the practice of dual coding in education. He visualises concepts, processes and policies using a variety of formats: graphic organisers, napkin sketches, sketch notes and general graphic principles, all of which are covered in his presentation. More recently, he has enjoyed working closely with teacher authors in illustrating their books.

Twitter: @olicav


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Amsterdam 2018

Dual Coding: Get Going

After introducing dual coding via immersion activities and links to cognitive load theory, I move on to methods to improve personal practice. We will look at the fundamental building blocks of: napkin sketching, sketchnoting, graphic organisers, infographics and general design principles that can be applied to PowerPoint and Word documents.
This session should see you launch your own practice in dual coding, so come along with pencil and paper.