Pedro De Bruyckere
Arteveldehogeschool, Belgium
Basic Ingredients for Great Teaching
A lot works in education, but nothing works all of the time. In this session you’ll learn some basic ingredients for great teaching. But just like when you use salt and pepper in the kitchen, too much or too little can make a huge difference when working on feedback, metacognition, etc… Based on the new book with the same title.
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Pedro De Bruyckere holds a position as educational scientist at Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent, Belgium, since 2001. He is the co-author of several books on youth and education in Dutch and is an often asked international public speaker on education. One of his strongest points is that he is funny when explaining serious stuff. In 2015 Pedro co-wrote the popular book “Urban Myths about Learning and Education” with Paul Kirschner and Casper Hulshof. He is also an avid blogger on new research in education, do check www.theeconomyofmeaning.com.
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Amsterdam 2017
Wapen je tegen onzin
Pedro De Bruyckere vertaalde het boek “When can you trust the experts?” van Daniel Willingham naar het Nederlands. In dit boek toont bestsellerauteur Daniel T. Willingham hoe je feit van fictie kunt onderscheiden als je het zinnetje hoort ‘onderzoek zegt dat’. In het boek en in de lezing beschrijven Willingham en De Bruyckere wat goede wetenschap is, hoe je die kunt herkennen en waarom we vaak zo goedgelovig zijn voor slecht onderbouwde en foute claims.