Dr. Hanke Korpershoek

Associate Professor, University of Groningen


Curiosity as learning stimulant

Piaget (1952) states that children are naturally curious. They explore the world around them step by step, exhibit exploratory behaviour on their own initiative, but are also stimulated by their social environment. This stimulus, the invocation of curiosity, receives attention from the educational field stemming from the idea that a curious pupil is a motivated pupil. A curious student asks questions, searches for answers, and therefore has a more active attitude than students who are less curious. Curiosity plays an important role in the learning process and contributes to the maintenance of attention and motivation of pupils. In this workshop we will discuss the following issues: What is curiosity exactly? Can you arouse curiosity among students? And how do you do that?

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After becoming a primary school teacher, Hanke Korpershoek studied Educational Sciences at the University of Groningen. Currently she is affiliated with the GION Education/Research institute at the University of Groningen as an associate professor. She is the program coordinator and a teacher at the Academic Teacher Training and she lectures for the Master of Education and the Research Master courses. Her research focuses on the motivation, involvement, talent utilisation and study choice behaviour of pupils, the connection between primary and secondary education, and the design of lower secondary education.



Amsterdam 2017

“(On)gemotiveerde leerlingen: terug naar de basis van (willen) leren”

Leerlingen moeten vrijwel ELKE DAG iets nieuws leren. We gaan daarom terug naar de basis van het willen leren. Waarom zouden leerlingen eigenlijk willen leren? Sommigen willen de lesstof begrijpen, anderen zijn tevreden met een goed cijfer, en weer anderen zijn – om uiteenlopende redenen – helemaal niet gemotiveerd om te leren. De hamvraag is hoe al deze verschillende leerlingen in de dagelijkse lespraktijk gestimuleerd kunnen worden om gemotiveerd aan de slag te gaan. We staan stil bij de verschillende redenen om wel of niet te willen leren en bij de ‘triggers’ die motivatie en betrokkenheid bij leerlingen kunnen beïnvloeden, zoals het opwekken van nieuwsgierigheid en het creëren van een leer-omgeving.