Kim Schildkamp
Lecturer, University of Twente
The datateam® method: from data to better results
How do we improve our English test results? How do we make sure students make it to the next semester? How do we improve students math results? Many of these decisions are taken ad hoc, too quickly and based on gut feelings. And quite often they don’t deliver better results. Using data, such as test results, lesson observations and questionnaires, can be helpful to make these decisions.This session focuses on the data team® method. A data team thoroughly investigates problems. On the basis of these data, myths in the educational organisation about the causes of a problem are negated and the real causes of a problem come to the surface. Then, on the basis of data, a team can implement measures to solve their problem and improve the quality of education. Research shows that the data team® method can lead to better learning performance. During this session you will actively start working in a data team to improve the education together.
Meer info
Dr. Kim Schildkamp Is an associate professor at the University of Twente. She received a Fulbright scholarship to work at the Louisiana State University. Together with the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) she conducted research into ‘The utilization and impact of a school performance feedback system used in Louisiana’ (2005/2006).
Her research focuses on data-based decision making and formative assessment. She is the initiator and project leader of the data team® procedure project. After a small scale pilot, the data team® procedure is currently being used by many schools in the Netherlands, England, and Sweden.
slides 2017
De datateam methode (426.2 KiB)
Amsterdam 2017
De datateam® methode: Van boeiend onderzoek naar beter onderwijs
Iedere dag worden er in het onderwijs vele beslissingen genomen. Het gebruiken van data, zoals toetsresultaten, lesobservaties en vragenlijsten, kan helpen bij het nemen van deze beslissingen.
Deze sessie richt zich op de datateam® methode. Een datateam doet grondig onderzoek naar problemen, zoals tegenvallende prestaties, op basis van data. Op basis van deze data worden mythes in de onderwijsorganisatie over de oorzaken van een probleem ontkracht, en de werkelijke oorzaken van een probleem achterhaald. Vervolgens kan een team op basis van data maatregelen implementeren om hun probleem op te lossen en kwaliteit van onderwijs te verbeteren. Tijdens deze sessie gaan we in op de methode, de onderzoeksresultaten en gaat u zelf aan de slag als datateam.